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Memberships and Packages

6 Visits - Good for a year

  *Cannot be combined with other offers

  *Can be shared among anyone

      in a HOUSEHOLD

  *Cannot roll over if unused



No Reoccuring Payment

20% off!


DTM Recovery Package

Monthly Memberships

DTM 1 Monthly Membership 

​*1 (10 min) visit each month 

25% off!



(base price $50)

DTM 2 Monthly Membership 

​*2 (10 min) visits each month

25% off!



(base price $100)

DTM 4 Monthly Membership 

​*4 (10 min) visits each month

25% off!



(base price $200)

  *Cannot be combined with other offers

  *Can be shared among anyone in a HOUSEHOLD

  *Cannot roll over if unused

  *Excludes Medicare Beneficiaries

To order call or text us today!


Q: Per the membership, what if we need more than 4 visits per month? 

A: All visits after 4 will be the usual price.


Q: Can I get the same day/time for every visit? 

A: It is likely we will be able to set up a consistent day and time, but the schedule is not guaranteed. 


Q: Per the membership, will I be charged every month even if I don’t use all of the appointments? 

A: Yes. 


Q: If I do not use all of the appointments in the membership, will they roll over to the next month? 

A: No. 


Q: Per the membership, can I pick the day of the month that it charges my card?

A: No. At this time, we believe it to be the day of the month upon first sign up. However, there is an option for manual payment. You can manually pay it each month if desired. You can also purchase the package instead of the membership if this is a concern.


Q: What does it mean that anyone in the household can use it? Can multiple household members use multiple visits on the same day? 

A: Your membership gets your household 4 separate 10 minute visits per month; your recovery package gets you 6 separate 10 minute visits. These can be used however you choose. If you choose for you and your spouse or child (as an example) to be adjusted on the same day, that is fine. That would use 2 out of 4 of your visits. 


Q: Can one household have multiple memberships? 

A: Absolutely! 


Q:What if we want longer than a 10 minute visit? 

A: Your membership covers $50 worth of care per visit. If you’d like a longer visit, you’ll just pay the difference at the appointment. For example, if you’d like a 20 minute visit (worth $90), you will pay $40 the day of your appointment because $50 has already been covered at a discount rate through your membership.


Q: What if I want to cancel mid-month? 

A: You can cancel anytime. Mid-month refunds can only be issued if no visits have been used at the time of the cancel request. You must call us or be in the office to cancel. 


Q: I want one!! How do I buy a package or membership?

A: You can call us (318-215-5435) or ask about it next time you are in the office, and we will get you set up! 


Frequently Asked Questions

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